The Queen of Pop does it again!
Vatican accuses her of blasphemy and provocation
ROME, Italy (Reuters) -- Madonna has staged a mock-crucifixion in the Italian capital, ignoring a storm of protest and accusations of blasphemy from the Roman Catholic Church.
In a sold-out stadium just a mile from Vatican City, the lapsed-Catholic diva wore a fake crown of thorns as she was raised on a glittery cross during the Rome stop of her worldwide "Confessions Tour."
The Vatican had accused her of blasphemy and provocation for even considering staging the sham crucifixion on its doorstep, anger Madonna further enflamed prior to the show by inviting Pope Benedict to come and watch. (Originally published on the CNN web site, Aug. 7, 2006. Click on blog title for rest of the story.)
WHEN will the Vatican/Catholic Church ever learn? First, their leaders raised a howl of protest against the badly-written book 'Da Vinci Code' and its subsequent film, which critics panned the world over, and now they're targetting their sights on Madonna?
Everyone knows Madonna always does these controversial stunts to attract people's attention and get them to watch her concerts. And of course, the Vatican just played into her manipulative hands and stirred up more interest in her concerts by commenting about it. One Cardinal even called for her excommunication! Hello! Madonna is no longer a practising Catholic! Do you think she'd care that she'd be excommunicated?
Gads, this woman is a genius! I love her music and the way she has reinvented herself year after year. Now if you take her too seriously, it's really your problem not hers.
(For more on the Madonna's 'crucifixion', click here. Photo from MSNBC web site.)
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