February 01, 2010

I protest!

TAYLOR Swift wins the Grammy's? WTF?! Are the judges all old futzballs with a crush on little girls who like to sing victim songs with a twang? Duh!

I was so rooting for Lady Gaga to win the Album of the Year of the award. With five no. 1 hits from The Fame CD, how could she lose out to that cutesy Taylor Swift? Lady Gaga is provocative, yes, but super-creative and such a brilliant performer. (I am so sorry I missed her show here in Manila.)

(Madonna and Lady Gaga at SNL. Sorry for the poor AV quality guys, but NBC had all the higher quality pulled out. Spoilsports!)

I may be treading on thin ice here and earn the ire of Madonna fans (I used to be one of them), but talbog na ang Lola nyo . Lady Gaga not only has a strong singing voice for her young age (w/c Madonna didn't have at that same age), but she is an accomplished pianist and dancer, prolific songwriter, and a genius in reinventing herself for each performance. Not to mention, she also is an intelligent girl, very articulate and doesn't take herself too seriously, except when working, as her interviews have shown. (Imagine, pati si Oprah and Barbra Walters naloka sa kanya? Haha!)

Anyhoo, Gaga performed beautifully at the opening of the Grammy's and got everyone all excited when she sang and played the piano w/ Sir Elton John, ang royal bading. Impressive!

I thought that was the best performance of the night already, until Pink took to the stage. I've always liked Pink's CDs bec. she always turns out strong songs w/c capture the spirit of independent women. Anyhoo, watch this. Pink sings, and twirls, and brings the house down.

(Clap for her!)

Ivylicious says she thinks Pink was lipsyncing bec. her voice didn't even break nor did she run out breath while twirling around. I think the lipsyncing could've been done when she was high up in the air, bec. the audience wouldn't notice it naman. Still it was a really standout performance, dontcha think? Hello Cirque de Soleil?

Going back to my original rant, I still don't like the fact that Taylor Swift won over Lady Gaga. Swift has the kind of voice and face that I want to stick a stoker to. Ick. Does this anything have to do w/ my disliking country music so much? You betcha! ;p

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