October 19, 2009

Rain rain go away!

IT'S 4:26 a.m., Oct. 19, Monday. The rain is starting to pour again. I can imagine people who survived Typhoon Ondoy and Typhoon Pepeng are again nervously peering through their windows to check for any signs of rising floodwaters. I hate to be in their position.

I wish this rain would stop and Typhoon Lupit/Ramil just dissipate in the ocean.

Here's the latest on the new weather disturbance from the Japan Meteorological Agency. The satellite imagery is here.

Be safe, be informed.

1 comment:

ninoy said...

good day stella,

'am really glad to come across your blog(s). i find them(blogs) really informative, so, from time to time, i randomly read them. i'm too lazy to read the newspaper(maybe because i'm a busy person) and with your blogs, i'm updated with current events. kindly continue posting and thanks.

-ninoy arnaldo-